Last week was the start-up of a new project at the
Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg - one of my previous employers. The project is called "
Open Hogeschool - een antwoord op vraaggestuurd leren van werknemers" and aims at developing blended learning approaches and suitable educational materials for postgraduate education aimed at professionals with a professional bachelor's or master's degree (alumni of so-called hogescholen - polytechnics). The OUNL - represented by
Marlies and myself - act as academic coaches to the project. It is a three-year project, driven by the small research group
[ed+ict], headed by
Valère Awouters.
There are some interesting initiatives being developed in Flanders within the field of digital didactics. The
EliseLeren course - which I have co-ordinated for some time - will possibly be continued through a number of new initiatives.
- DIVA vzw. has founded TOLL-NET, which is specifically targeted at supporting teachers in adult education, and may take over the EliseLeren course for that specific target group.
- A number of higher education institutions - notably Katho, Universiteit Gent, and PHLimburg - seem to have maintained their interest in continuing EliseLeren for the higher education audiences. We'll be having a meeting on this in the near future.
- AVNet - KULeuven is investigating the possibility of starting a spin-off course specifically about multimedia and the use of audio/video in education.
Moreover, there are concrete plans for a full-fletched post-graduate course (20 ECTS) on digital didactics, starting in September 2008. I hope to be able to be involved in some of these initiatives, in an advisory function of some kind. Let's see what happens.